UTA Research Group: Unraveling the Nature of Reality
The UTA Research Group is a collaborative endeavor focused on exploring the Unifying Theory of Awareness (UTA), a novel theoretical framework that posits an unbounded Awareness Field as the foundation of reality and proposes a mechanism—recursive Attention—to explain the emergence of all phenomena, from the physical universe to the subjective experience of consciousness.
We are actively recruiting PhD candidates and post-doctoral researchers to join our interdisciplinary team. We aim to:
Develop and refine the theoretical foundations of UTA.
Create mathematical and computational models to simulate the dynamics of the Awareness Field.
Design and conduct empirical studies to test UTA-derived hypotheses in neuroscience, artificial intelligence, consciousness studies, and physics.
Design cutting edge architectures and training techniques for artificial intelligence and artificial consciousness.
Explore the philosophical implications of UTA for our understanding of consciousness, free will, and the nature of reality.
The UTA Research Group is in the process of establishing itself as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, with a long-term vision of securing funding for research stipends and scholarships.